Posted On: September 10, 2015 by National Seating & Mobility in: Uncategorized
Gels can't do it. Foam can't do it. Even alternative air products cannot do what ROHO technology does. No other product can more evenly distribute the forces of body weight or reduce the effects of friction or shear upon the tissue.
With 40 years in the market and over 90 scientific and clinical studies, ROHO is the worldwide leader of seating solutions that prevent and treat pressure ulcers. We have an extensive selection of ROHO cushions and mattress sections available for rental; contact us today for information and pricing.
NEW - ROHO Smart Check You can confidently recommend ROHO with Smart Check:
- Rents for $150/month
- Helps you achieve maximum skin protection for your clients
- Supports your recommendations and helps train your clients
- Makes ROHO accessible to clients who may have been unwilling to try in the past
- Helps you establish the optimal immersion for each client and saves their setting
- Helps your clients check and set up at home
- Offers instant feedback and peace of mind for your clients.